You may not know this but the dollars you have in your wallet or purse are worthless.
OK worthless is not totally correct but every day and every minute that dollar becomes worth less and less and eventually they will be worthless. If you read the dollar it the dollar is a "Federal Reserve Note" the Federal Reserve is not part of the United States Government it is a private company. The note is a representation of debt that the United States Government owes to the corporation called the Federal Reserve just like your mortgage papers are a representation of the debt you have for your property. This subject can be talked about for days but I am just going to give you a taste I would urge you to go and do your own research.
There are ways to hedge against your money becoming pieces of paper that are not worth the price of paper. One option is investing your money in some type of business but that business could go bankrupt and you would loose all your money. Other ways is to buy a commodity for example Gold, Silver, copper, wood, corn, hogs, beets. The prices of commodities sometimes go up with inflation (which makes your money worth less and less) and sometimes the price of the commodities go down for example the price of a beet is less then it was years ago due to more production better ways to grow the product. Now metals are a limited resource there is only so much Gold in the earth and once it is all mined that is all we have until we look on other places like other planets and asteroids. With that in mind I believe a metal is a better hedge on inflation then a food product.
If you would like to keep the value of some of your money you might want to look in to the Liberty dollar you can find more information on this at http://www.norfed.org . The Liberty dollar comes in different forms some are actual silver and other are notes that look like a dollar. If you do want to check out the liberty dollar I would suggest you get the actual silver pieces just to hold in your hand and feel what actual money feels like.
This is not investing advice just information for you. I am not affiliated with NORFED either just to let you know.
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