Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ron Paul supporters donate almost 4 million in 24 hours

Looks like Ron Paul supporters are not just a few people because as you can see from the image taken from RonPaulgraphs.com. On November the 5th Ron Paul supporters donated more the 3.9 million dollars. I am not sure if this is a final number because I am not sure if phone donations are counted in this graph but this definitely includes all on-line donations.

The idea of the November 5th donation day was for 100,000 people to all donate $100 to get a total of 10 million dollars in one day. The goal was very ambitious and almost 4 million in one day is nothing to sneeze at especially since individual donations are capped at $2,300 and couple donations are $4,600. If the same demographics are projected with this donations the average donation would be about $40 which would mean that 100,000 people donated $40 I am not saying I know this to be a fact but I am using previous donations to project these numbers. I personally think the average donation for the day would be $100 or more since the $100 was the asked amount for the 5th.

The 5th of November actually is a celebrated day in England called Guy Fawkes day. You can find more information about Guy Fawkes HERE
The other significance about November the 5th is that the movie V for Vendetta used the Guy Fawkes story as a part of the movie. V for Vendetta is a movie where the government has become oppressive and a the country is in a perpetual state of fear. The fear is a tool that the people in power of the government uses to enact policies for example nightly curfews, roving conversation monitoring and a government controlled media. A fairly well known statement in the movie is "People should not fear their governments, Governments should fear their people".

I was expecting a surge from this campaign but was shocked at the final numbers. I truly never thought that Ron Paul supporters would come out in mass and make a statement with their wallets. I will not make that mistake again I will always try keep a objective perspective but after today I will give the Ron Paul supporters more credit.

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