This is not law yet but I have seen worse things implemented in NY. Dictator Spitzer wants to have a 3 tier drivers license.
1st tier will be a license to operate a motor vehicle.
2nd tier will be a Real ID compliant license
3rd tier will be a license similar to a passport that will let people go across the US Canadian border.
Ok first thing I see is there will be 3 bureaucracies created to handle the 3 tier's which will mean that the residents of NY will be forced to shell out more money for 2 new bureaucracies and more people will be employed by the state which the people of NY will have to pay for all those doughnut eating wastes of life. The second issue I see is that people will have to pay more for the 2nd and 3rd tier licenses and probably more for a simple drivers license.
Personally I do not think that states have the authority to license people to travel. I have violated this law when I was under 16 and I would help my father on the farm, I would drive the tractor from vineyard to vineyard and would have to travel a state road to get to some vineyards. Yes according to the police you need to have a drivers license to drive a tractor on a road. I think that operating the tractor helped me learn to drive before I was old enough to get a license.
As for the Real ID I have made a promise to myself that I will not take a Real ID document. This is a line in the sand for me and it will be as far as I will go. If I have to operate a vehicle without a license I will. I do not want my personal information in a centralized government database and no I am not a Luddite I think technology is a great thing but this database will be a great target for people who want to commit identity theft.
These are just the problems I can see in my very limited knowledge of the plans that the dictator wants to force on the serfs.
Do your own research and make up your own mind.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Republican Debate 10-21
I was watching the Republican debate and during Huckabee's first answer he said that most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were clergy and according to the two of the signers were clergy and one was a active clergy member. 3 out of 56 is not most it is not even close.
Ron Paul pointed out that he is the truly anti-war candidate in either party. Ron also said he wanted to allow people to get out of the social security system and I would love to do that. I am in my late 20's and I know there won't be a social security when I get old enough to retire that is why I have a personal retirement account.
Romney said he is happy for the medical plan he created in Massachusetts. I was hearing a radio station from Mass and Hunter actually hit on the health care mandates that the plan. The mandates are that you have to have health care in Mass you are forced to do that even if you cant afford to pay for it.
Rudy made me vomit when he said "I care about the kids" then made me think if he does care about the kids where are his children from some of the things I have read his children don't even like him. Maybe Rudy just wants to replace his own kids.
McCain said he is against wasteful spending but if he was wouldn't he have voted against the spending? The only person that was on that stage who votes consistently against wasteful spending is Dr. No aka Ron Paul
Fred Thompson reminds me of a chicken going after feed.
I was trying to keep a tally of how many time each person got to speak and here is the results
Mitt "cowlick" Romney 9
Rudy "cell phone" Gulliani 8
Fred "I got a hot wife now" Thompson 8
John "war stories" McCain 7
Ron "Constitution" Paul 6
Mike "National Smoking ban" Huckabee 6
Tom "don't call me Tommy" Tancredo 4
Duncan "I but a wall" Hunter 4
I would think since no one in the Republican party is a running away they would want to try and be fair and balanced but who would think of a thing like that on Fox.
Ron Paul pointed out that he is the truly anti-war candidate in either party. Ron also said he wanted to allow people to get out of the social security system and I would love to do that. I am in my late 20's and I know there won't be a social security when I get old enough to retire that is why I have a personal retirement account.
Romney said he is happy for the medical plan he created in Massachusetts. I was hearing a radio station from Mass and Hunter actually hit on the health care mandates that the plan. The mandates are that you have to have health care in Mass you are forced to do that even if you cant afford to pay for it.
Rudy made me vomit when he said "I care about the kids" then made me think if he does care about the kids where are his children from some of the things I have read his children don't even like him. Maybe Rudy just wants to replace his own kids.
McCain said he is against wasteful spending but if he was wouldn't he have voted against the spending? The only person that was on that stage who votes consistently against wasteful spending is Dr. No aka Ron Paul
Fred Thompson reminds me of a chicken going after feed.
I was trying to keep a tally of how many time each person got to speak and here is the results
Mitt "cowlick" Romney 9
Rudy "cell phone" Gulliani 8
Fred "I got a hot wife now" Thompson 8
John "war stories" McCain 7
Ron "Constitution" Paul 6
Mike "National Smoking ban" Huckabee 6
Tom "don't call me Tommy" Tancredo 4
Duncan "I but a wall" Hunter 4
I would think since no one in the Republican party is a running away they would want to try and be fair and balanced but who would think of a thing like that on Fox.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What the hell you can't buy a domain name
Being in the Information Technology field I was reading a article from Computer world you can read it here
The thing that got me thinking enough to write a blog post about it was that registering a domain name that was a typo is illegal. What?? So this means I can't legally register a domain name like looking for people who make a mistake. I personally have mis-typed some domain names and found some great sites. Why is this illegal? If you walk in to a store thinking it was going to be a grocery store and it had candles and not groceries is that illegal? Just because our stores looked alike? What is this insanity if a company doesn't want people to get domain names that are typos then register those names or buy them from the owner.
Why are we paying people to write up stupid laws day after day, laws that just tell you what to do or what not to do, laws to tell you what to put in your body, laws to tell you who you can do business with (embargo anyone?). Just stop it we are adults and if we are not adults parents should set the rules for their children.
The thing that got me thinking enough to write a blog post about it was that registering a domain name that was a typo is illegal. What?? So this means I can't legally register a domain name like looking for people who make a mistake. I personally have mis-typed some domain names and found some great sites. Why is this illegal? If you walk in to a store thinking it was going to be a grocery store and it had candles and not groceries is that illegal? Just because our stores looked alike? What is this insanity if a company doesn't want people to get domain names that are typos then register those names or buy them from the owner.
Why are we paying people to write up stupid laws day after day, laws that just tell you what to do or what not to do, laws to tell you what to put in your body, laws to tell you who you can do business with (embargo anyone?). Just stop it we are adults and if we are not adults parents should set the rules for their children.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
First Episode of Reason.TV
I was watching the fist episode of Reason.TV which is related to the Reason magazine. I have never subscribed to the magazine but I have looked at it from time to time. The first show was about Gridlock Hell on wheels. You can view it here
After watching it I got to thinking what would be another way to reduce traffic. How about the flying cars that I have been hearing about my ENTIRE life. Also I know one major reason why we do not have flying cars is the FAA would not allow that. Now if we did have flying cars what would be some of the benefits??? I would bet more land would become available because if everyone with a personal car was flying around and the roads would not need to be so wide a 8 lane highway probably could be cut down to 4 lanes if not 2 lanes since the only traffic would be the transportation of large items like delivery trucks and other things that would not be economical to fly around. So less roads would mean that less money would be needed to keep the roads running, which would mean that you would have to pay less taxes since taxes currently fund the roads. If you we used flying cars you would not have traffic jams except maybe to land if a lot of people were landing at the place but that would be very extreme since people could land from 4 directions at one time. Another benefit would be the time everyone would save. In the show Drew used one persons commute that was 16 miles and took 1 1/2 hours now lets say he earns $30 an hour which being a graphic artist I would not be surprised if it was more. So that daily commute cost him $90 a day which lets say he works 261 days a year and comes out to be $23,490 a year just for this one person. That is all lost productivity for one person. With that extra time people would be more efficient.
I think with more free time people would become more creative and with the creativity someone could invent the next great life changing invention, or paint a great masterpiece, write a great song, or look at a problem and figure out a cure for cancer, or just something simple like a father watching his son hit a home run at a little league game.
With all these benefits what is stopping this the FAA, yes the government is because some moron that thinks he or she has power does not want to give up that control.
After watching it I got to thinking what would be another way to reduce traffic. How about the flying cars that I have been hearing about my ENTIRE life. Also I know one major reason why we do not have flying cars is the FAA would not allow that. Now if we did have flying cars what would be some of the benefits??? I would bet more land would become available because if everyone with a personal car was flying around and the roads would not need to be so wide a 8 lane highway probably could be cut down to 4 lanes if not 2 lanes since the only traffic would be the transportation of large items like delivery trucks and other things that would not be economical to fly around. So less roads would mean that less money would be needed to keep the roads running, which would mean that you would have to pay less taxes since taxes currently fund the roads. If you we used flying cars you would not have traffic jams except maybe to land if a lot of people were landing at the place but that would be very extreme since people could land from 4 directions at one time. Another benefit would be the time everyone would save. In the show Drew used one persons commute that was 16 miles and took 1 1/2 hours now lets say he earns $30 an hour which being a graphic artist I would not be surprised if it was more. So that daily commute cost him $90 a day which lets say he works 261 days a year and comes out to be $23,490 a year just for this one person. That is all lost productivity for one person. With that extra time people would be more efficient.
I think with more free time people would become more creative and with the creativity someone could invent the next great life changing invention, or paint a great masterpiece, write a great song, or look at a problem and figure out a cure for cancer, or just something simple like a father watching his son hit a home run at a little league game.
With all these benefits what is stopping this the FAA, yes the government is because some moron that thinks he or she has power does not want to give up that control.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Check out this tune
***********Warning written while under the influence of alcohol*****
I was looking in some nooks and crannies of the internet I found this song called New Blood. It starts off slow but give it a minute. I was just about to go on to something else and then the song grabbed me. I think I am going to look for a place to use the song maybe in a youtube video.
The song is at
I was looking in some nooks and crannies of the internet I found this song called New Blood. It starts off slow but give it a minute. I was just about to go on to something else and then the song grabbed me. I think I am going to look for a place to use the song maybe in a youtube video.
The song is at
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Michigan Debate
***********Warning Began drinking while writing this post***********
Ok I watched the Debate in Michigan. Wow I was screaming at the TV during some peoples answers. The worst performance goes to Hunter. John Popeye Mcain seemed like he was taking some naps when the questions were asked and needs to get a hearing aid he cant hear the questions.
The CNBC poll was taken down but before it was tossed in to the memory hole a person took a screen shot you can see here
Also on the MSNBC poll with 6706 votes the people think Ron Paul won the debate at 63% the next closest is Huckabee at 8.7%
Ron Paul seemed to get less questions then most of the other people but I would have to watch it again and I don't think I am going to waste my time with that. Ron hit on the nail on the head with the monitary system. The Federal Reserve (which is a private company just like FedEx is a private company) is just keeping the US government in debt and in that system you can never pay the debit it is impossible mathematically. It can be easily explained with a scaled down situation. Lets say you want to borrow a widget from me and I have the only person that has a widget and I tell you I will loan you this widget but I want a widget and a second widget now I never make a second widget and put it in the market you can never get that 2nd widget and you can never pay the debit.
I will say Huckabee did a fine job in the debate I just don't like a man who is a hypocrite and Huckabee is a hypocrite he says he is pro life and I think that is a great thing but he also supports the death penalty. If you are pro life you should support life every time every situation. I can not say I am pro life because I think a person owns their own body and if they want to kill themselves with a knife, a bullet, a poison, or even with a drink of alcohol (while I sip my sparkling wine) they should be able to do that.
If you don't think you own your own body then please tell me who does?
I think Fred Thompson is useless without a script so he needs to go back to Law and Order. He defiantly showed he cannot go through with this by the huge pause he made when answering his first question I thought my TV was on mute but he was not talking just looking with his shifty wrinckled eyes. Romney and Gulianni are two sides of the same huge government Fascist coin and Tancrado is useless and I don't know why he is still there.
Ok I watched the Debate in Michigan. Wow I was screaming at the TV during some peoples answers. The worst performance goes to Hunter. John Popeye Mcain seemed like he was taking some naps when the questions were asked and needs to get a hearing aid he cant hear the questions.
The CNBC poll was taken down but before it was tossed in to the memory hole a person took a screen shot you can see here
Also on the MSNBC poll with 6706 votes the people think Ron Paul won the debate at 63% the next closest is Huckabee at 8.7%
Ron Paul seemed to get less questions then most of the other people but I would have to watch it again and I don't think I am going to waste my time with that. Ron hit on the nail on the head with the monitary system. The Federal Reserve (which is a private company just like FedEx is a private company) is just keeping the US government in debt and in that system you can never pay the debit it is impossible mathematically. It can be easily explained with a scaled down situation. Lets say you want to borrow a widget from me and I have the only person that has a widget and I tell you I will loan you this widget but I want a widget and a second widget now I never make a second widget and put it in the market you can never get that 2nd widget and you can never pay the debit.
I will say Huckabee did a fine job in the debate I just don't like a man who is a hypocrite and Huckabee is a hypocrite he says he is pro life and I think that is a great thing but he also supports the death penalty. If you are pro life you should support life every time every situation. I can not say I am pro life because I think a person owns their own body and if they want to kill themselves with a knife, a bullet, a poison, or even with a drink of alcohol (while I sip my sparkling wine) they should be able to do that.
If you don't think you own your own body then please tell me who does?
I think Fred Thompson is useless without a script so he needs to go back to Law and Order. He defiantly showed he cannot go through with this by the huge pause he made when answering his first question I thought my TV was on mute but he was not talking just looking with his shifty wrinckled eyes. Romney and Gulianni are two sides of the same huge government Fascist coin and Tancrado is useless and I don't know why he is still there.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

If you know me personally you are probably wondering what the hell am I doing talking about law enforcement. Yes normally I think the police are mostly there to give tickets to people who are not hurting anyone except maybe themselves. The law enforcement people I am going to be focusing on today are actually people who know one of the failed policies that the government is imposing on the people.
LEAP is a group of current and former law enforcement and other people who worked in the government and know the harm that the "War on Drugs" is causing. I personally saw Jack Cole (a former undercover officer for 26 years with the NJ state police) speak at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in early 2007. I do not agree totally with what Jack wants to do about drugs but I can support him and LEAP because it would be a step in the right direction. Jack would like to see drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroine, and methanphetimine regulated and taxed but available to people who wish to use them.
Personally I think that living in a free nation which the United States has been called for a long time means that you can make your own choices. To me the most essential choice is what to do with your own body and that includes what substances you want to put in that body. Drugs have their own consiquences and the government does not need to ruin a persons life because they like to use one drug rather then another drug.
But enough of that I could write a book on that subject. On Monday October 15th at 8:00 p.m. Peter Christ will be speaking at University of Buffalo. Peter is a retired police captain from Syracuse NY where he worked for 20 years. If anyone is qualified to talk about what is happening with the drugs this man is. I would love to see all the police chiefs and DA's from the area go an participate but I am sure they will find some excuse not to go a open their eyes to the real problem not the drugs but the millions of people who have had their lives ruined because they were caught with a drug that the government did not approve. If you think differently please go see Peter and voice your objections at UB or even at the 2nd New Hampshire Liberty Forum in January of 2008.
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