Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Hampshire Liberty forum Part 1

The next few posts will be my experiences from the New Hampshire Liberty Forum.

On Thursday I was driving from Western NY to Nashua NH. I went through some small towns in southern NH and was amazed at the beauty of the towns. I went through Winchester and thought that this is the quintessential New England town in winter. I am not a fan of snow but the beauty of the area is just breathtaking and with a couple of feet of snow (not on the roads) it just made the drive that much more beautiful.
When I arrived at the hotel I checked in and ran in to a few people I met at previous trips to NH. The first night was a cocktail sponsored by Sakal/CAI and had a book signing by multiple authors including F. Paul Wilson and Gardner Goldsmith. I purchased a book by Gardner and asked him to sign it and was shocked to see he wrote almost a paragraph, not just his name and had fun talking to the people he was signing books for.

On Friday the first real day for the Liberty Forum I went to the opening ceremony that had the organizer for the Liberty Forum, the president of the Free State Project, and Sharron Harris from the Advocates for Self Government talked about how to make the idea of liberty "sticky" which means that the idea is not just brushed off after the conversation.

In the afternoon I watched Peter Christ from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition speak about opening up the conversation about the Drug policy in America not the War on drugs or even legalization but just discussing the insane policy of prohibition. Peter was a police chief from Tonawanda, NY and after he retired he and few others from law enforcement created LEAP. Peter told a personal story from his families past during prohibition some of his relatives were involved with transporting alcohol from Canada in to Buffalo, this hit home for me because my Great Grandfather during prohibition had fights on his farm in Colts Station, PA and alcohol was consumed during the fights so it is possible that my family and his might have done business.

For the keynote address Bernard von Nothaus was slated to speak but in his stead was a person from the time of the founding of this great country sent by the founders the person was Captain Roughseas (who looked very similar to Bernard) Capitan Roughseas was sent to tell us that the founders were impressed with the people at the Liberty Forum and ashamed at what this country has become especially the situation with the money in the US. The speech was a event that I will not soon forget but I may go in to it with more detail later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.